- Our church will host a voter registration drive after service on Sunday, June 30.
- If you started coming to our church recently, we invite you to our Newcomers Class on Saturday, July 13, at 12:30pm. Let us know you’re coming or ask for more information by emailing newcomers@hoperaleigh.org
- Our Corinth Young Adults Ministry will hold informational sessions on Sunday, June 23 and 30, at 12:50pm in the Choir Room to talk about plans for our upcoming ministry year. Both sessions will go over the same information.
- Our English Ministry Praise Team is looking for a new drummer and a sound technician! If you are a church member, 18 or older, with relevant experience and would like to serve our congregation in this way, contact Phil at philk@hoperaleigh.org
- Vacation Bible School will be on July 8-12, for children currently in pre-K through 5th grade. Register your kids at bit.ly/fkbc2024vbs
- We need lots of help to make VBS a lot of fun for the kids! Sign up to volunteer at bit.ly/volunteer2024vbs
- Our Sunday Bible study for college students and young adults is back! Join us as Pastor Michael takes us through 1 John on Sundays at 1pm in the Choir Room.
- Our Lego Lunch Ministry volunteers are taking a well-deserved break for the summer. Lego Lunches will return in September.
- Camp Moo Gung Hwa, a day camp for Korean-American adopted children, needs volunteers to teach drums and serve as teacher assistants and helpers on July 17-19. Go to their website [koreanculturecamp.net] for more information or contact Sabrina at purplesabrina@gmail.com
- Our Corinth Young Adult Ministry meets on the last Friday of every month at 7pm for fellowship and worship. We hope to see you there!
- The Children’s Ministry needs teachers and teaching assistants. Contact Pastor Aaron at abradley@fkbc.org
- Annual contribution statements are available. Please check with your small group leader.
- We need more volunteers to drive vans to the different college campuses on Fridays and Sundays. If you’re able to help, please contact Deacon Peter at peteryun@hoperaleigh.org
- Join us as our EM congregation reads through the Bible together in 2024! Please find the daily reading plan here
- Please join us for our biweekly EM prayer meetings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month, starting at 7:30pm in the Vision Center Choir Room. Please join us for our next prayer meeting on Wednesday, June 26, at 7:30pm in the Vision Center Choir Room.
- If you’re newer to our church, welcome! If you’d like to learn more about our church, please email our Newcomers Ministry at newcomers@hoperaleigh.org
- Pastor Soo wants to pray with you and for you! Please share your prayer requests with him at https://bit.ly/hope_prayer
- Friendz Cafe is open on Sundays, 10am – 1pm, in our Vision Library! Come by and purchase coffee, ice cream, and baked goods to support our Friends Team children and volunteers!
- Online giving: http://bit.ly/FKBC-EMgive
- Other church information sources: https://www.facebook.com/LivingHopeRaleigh/